Carbonara for Life.

Carbonara has to be the ultimate comfort food - creamy eggs, crispy pork and pasta it’s delicious.

For a long time i used to cheat when making it at home by adding cream to the eggs - maybe i thought i needed the extra fat ( I didn’t)

I saw the light and started making it how it’s supposed to be made - well kinda.

Here’s how i do it.

You’ll need

6 egg yolks

Guanciale - 150g ( or speck if you cant find that / at a stretch bacon )




cracked pepper

——— No garlic, onion, or cream———-

cook spaghetti - always good quality, salted water and al dente. ( keep the pasta water )

Dice the guanciale and fry in a pan - set aside some of the fat after cooking.

grate the cheese - maybe half a triangle of each

whisk the egg yolks in a bowl that’s big enough to add all the ingredients’s into and also big enough to sit on a pot of boiling water.

Add the spaghetti to the egg yolks along with half the cheese and some of the pasta water and stir together - you want a creamy consistency so add more pasta water if you need it.

Add some of the pork fat and stir in / you can either add the guanciale now or sprinkle on top.

Add some cracked pepper

The main thing is you don’t want to scramble the eggs - so just gentle heat until you have a creamy sauce.

Add some more cheese on top if you like.

That’s it.

obviously you’ll want to have it with garlic bread too.

the best garlic bread is —

Roast a head of garlic - with salt,pepper and olive oil.

Clarified butter - heat butter and remove the solids

mix the garlic into the butter and stick it in the fridge until it solidifies.

cut some crusty bread and spread the bread all over it - wrap in foil and place in a 150C oven for about 15 min.

Finely grate some parmesan over the hot bread and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

settle into your food coma.


The cleaver is your best vegetable knife.


Knock Off’s - Monsuta Okinawa Supreme